How to Work with U.S. Employers

Written by
Lou Zarcal
Published on
July 4, 2023
How to Work with U.S. Employers

In today's globalized workplace, remote work has become more common than ever before. This means that employees can now work for companies based in different countries, such as the US, from the comfort of their own homes.

However, working remotely with US employers may require some adjustments to the way you work and communicate, especially if you're based outside of the US.

In this article, we'll provide you with some tips on how to best work with US employers as a remote worker, including learning how they communicate, being flexible with their time zones, familiarizing yourself with the tools they use, and being over-communicative.

  1. Learn how they communicate: Most Americans like to save time and can be straightforward about what they need. Consider mirroring that behavior. For example, if they send concise emails, try to respond in the same way.
  2. Be flexible to their time zones: As a remote worker outside of the US, you may be in a different time zone from your employer. Be flexible about your working hours and try to schedule meetings and communication during overlapping hours. Also, set clear expectations about when you'll be available and when you won't be.
  3. Be over-communicative: Communication is key when working remotely. Be proactive in communicating with your employer, even if it feels like you're over-communicating. This includes giving frequent updates on your progress, asking for clarification when needed, and making sure you're both on the same page.
  4. Establish trust: Building trust with your US employer is important for any working relationship. Be honest, transparent, and open to feedback. Demonstrate that you're committed to the job and that you're invested in the success of the team.
  5. Be reliable: Meeting deadlines and delivering quality work is important in any job, but especially in a remote work environment where your employer may not be able to supervise you closely. Make sure that you're delivering on your commitments and communicating with your employer if you encounter any issues that may impact your work.
  6. Understand tax and legal requirements: As a remote worker outside of the US, you may need to comply with different tax and legal requirements. It's important to understand the applicable laws and regulations in your country and in the US to avoid any legal or financial issues. This helps protect your lawyer AND you.
  7. Stay connected: Remote work can be isolating, so make an effort to stay connected with your team and your employer. Participate in team meetings, social events, and other opportunities to connect with colleagues. Use technology to stay in touch, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and collaboration tools.
  8. Be respectful of cultural differences: Familiarize yourself with the US business culture to avoid cultural misunderstandings. For example, Americans are generally more direct and assertive in their communication style than in some other cultures. Be respectful of cultural differences and be willing to adapt to them as needed.
  9. Get familiar with the tool stack they use: Many US employers use a variety of tools and software to manage projects and communicate with their team, such as Deel for payroll. Take the time to learn about the tools they use and become proficient in using them. This will show your employer that you're committed to working effectively with their team. You can even consider using Parallax which lets you receive your USD based salary via Deel instantly!
  10. Keep learning: Continuously improving your skills and staying up-to-date with industry trends is important for any job, but especially in a remote work environment where you may not have the same level of exposure to new ideas and technologies. Seek out opportunities for professional development and stay engaged with your industry.

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